Antimony – Any Miners with an Antimony Claim?

By | December 10, 2024

Antimony is not commercially mined in the US and China is pressuring us as a supplier.  This is a critical mineral in the production of arms for military use around the world.

A New Resource War Is Looming as America Runs Out of Ammo |

You see, Western powers have embarked on a $100 billion spending spree to restock their armories.

Cuise missiles, artillery shells, javelins, bullets, and armored vehicles. They ALL contain antimony, and the worst news is that the U.S. doesn’t produce an ounce of it.

This huge price spike that followed China’s decision to cut antimony supply to the U.S. this summer was the final wake-up call, and under Trump, the U.S. will no longer stand idle. Get your pick and shovel, a burro and a good gun and head for the hills.

Library of congress photo

Hope is that some prospects in Alaska and the Rockies could stem the shortage

Looking North to Alaska for antimony – North of 60 Mining News

  • Estelle Project in Alaska: This project is located in the Tintina Gold Belt, which has significant antimony deposits and was once a major producer of antimony in North America. The project includes multiple mining complexes and over 20 antimony prospects. Nova Minerals Limited, the company that owns 85% of the project, has found antimony grades up to 56.7% in rock samples. The project could provide the US with its only mined source of antimony and meet about 35% of the country’s demand in the first six years of production. 
  • Antimony Ridge Prospect in Utah: Liberty Gold identified a high-grade antimony system at this prospect. 
  • Stibnite Creek antimony prospect in Alaska: This prospect is located in the Alaska Range.